Le principe d’action de notre technologie MOBC ( Modérateur d'Ondes Bio-Compensateurs) est fondée sur la restitution des liens d'information, sur la normalisation des flux énergétiques et des processus d'autorégulation dans l'organisme à la fois au niveau cellulaire et au niveau général de l'organisme. Le principe de la biorésonance qui est à la base de cette méthode assure la réflexion et le renforcement des émissions d'ondes personnelles d’un individu et de ses champs d’énergies informationnels, en vue de la neutralisation résonnante des pathologies dans l'organisme. Au niveau cellulaire, la bioénergie d'onde reflétée par les patchs restaure la fréquence initiale de la cellule : elle enlève le déséquilibre interne, et lui donne la possibilité d'utiliser l'énergie supplémentaire pour améliorer son activité vitale. Grâce à ce procédé, la cellule commence à se libérer de tout superflu, se nettoie et devient plus saine. D’après Jean-Claude Guillot Noel (Médecin, acupuncteur, osthéopate), les patchs contribuent à la normalisation de l’ATP dans les processus biologiques. L’ATP (adénosine-5-triphospahate) est la molécule qui, dans la biochimie de tous les organismes vivants, fournit l’énergie nécessaire aux réactions chimiques du métabolisme. La technologie Inspire Self nous remet dans l’axe et permet à l’antenne que nous sommes et au vivant en général de pouvoir retrouver un état d’équilibre et d’harmonie. Ainsi nous pouvons nous nous recharger des énergies cosmo telluriques, nous décharger des tensions et retrouver des échanges d’énergies vitaux au cœur de nos cellules. Les témoignages des utilisateurs montrent une efficacité sur des points variés : sentiment d’équilibre et d’enracinement, augmentation de la concentration, sentiment de paix et de douceur, sentiment de protection ou d’amélioration des symptômes (EHS). D’après différents appareils (GDV, Mora, Biofeedback), tests scientifiques (Électro photonique) et non scientifiques (Radiesthésie, Géobiologie, Clair-ressenti, Kinésiologie), les produits Inspire Self permettent de se reconnecter aux sources d’ondes venant de la nature (Ciel, Cosmos) et à maintenir l’équilibre des champs électromagnétiques du vivant (le cœur, le cerveau, les échanges électriques dans le corps) et d’une cohésion cellulaire.
The products are suitable for humans, animals, plants and habitats.
Our patches confront and harmonize the electromagnetic disturbances generated by Wifi, Linky, 3G, 4G, 5G, computers, telephones, DECT as well as vehicles (car, scooter, Tram, Trains etc.) They allow the harmonization of living and the environment (more details below!)
* All balance in the universe, of which we are a part, is based on values and a vital principle. This vital principle has its own architecture. This architecture, which underlies the harmony of living things, always follows a law and a constant mathematical relationship called the Golden Ratio. This number of Gold generates a harmonization of the living. It is found everywhere, from the heart of DNA to the movement of Galaxies.
Designed and manufactured in France, they contain several secrets:
- innovative circuit board technology
silver based
- complex printed circuits of a few microns calculated on very precise proportions (6 years of development)to the golden number *
- a sacred geometry formed by the circuits and which emits scalar waves
- waves of structuring shapes (maze, flower of life and other symbols) printed in the mass
- sequences of numbers (G.Grabovoi) generating information such as “Health, harmony, love, joy, conscience”
This synergy allows these complex products to generate a resonance effect with living cells and with the environment.
Some tests of our patches
The patches are fine products of small size and yet effective protection against pollution generated by electromagnetic waves.
Made in France near Toulouse by a small family business with a big heart, our patches come in two ways: flat and domed. The various designs are printed in the mass of a circle of 25 or 33mm, unbreakable, completely waterproof and very flexible and raised with a resin like a 2mm magnifying glass for the domed patches.
The micro-technology (0.6mm) is based on long experiments of several years which resulted in the creation of a printed circuit. Its dimensions were calculated on ratios between “Phi” (1.618…) and PI (3.14116…) which were interrelated in order to have a geometric and mathematical structure of resonance in connection with the harmony of living things.
In addition, specific shapes and encodings such as "Geometry, Labyrinth and Sacred Numbers" that bring balance and additional strengths are also integrated into InspireSelf products.
In symbolism, the octagonal Labyrinth manifests several qualities:
- the perfect geometric shape to energize and vitalize water.
- it is made of two squares which, in Feng Shui, express the Posterior Sky (world in motion, interactions of the forces of Chi (vital energy) and the Anterior Sky (perfect but immobile world).
- it represents the superposition of 2 pyramids which fit together at 45° and manifest a 2D expression of 2 Merkaba (find out more*) whose rotation is in opposition.
- it forms an 8-pointed star and therefore the number of infinity and regeneration in many cultures. In India it represents abundance with the Goddess Lakshmi (find out more*).
- finally this geometric shape has often expressed rebirth and a support for rites of passage because the octagon allows the transition from a square (symbol of Mother Earth) to a circle (symbol of Father Heaven) and therefore from material to the spiritual.
- it also represents, in Feng Shui, the Pakua or Ba Gua which divides the sectors of our life according to the 8 directions and whose center is the Tao symbolized by the Yin Yang.
As you will have understood, InspireSelf products have several vocations, the most important being to raise you towards your Self (Self) through Inspire-Action. The act of re-recognizing your Spirit, your Universal Self.