My story
First of all discoverer and inventor, then Video-Journalist passionate about science, physics, the environment and spirituality, I quickly understood that what we see and perceive through the senses is only the tip of the iceberg and that my life would be dedicated to finding the remaining 90% in the invisible world in order to bring meaning and harmony to the living and to Spiritualise matter.
Trained in meditation, holistic healing, therapeutic dance and martial arts, I have also traveled a lot and have always liked to pass on what I discovered and what I experienced.
After years of adventures of multiple trainings, therapies, internships, meetings, -around personal development and spiritual essence's seminars, the life mission that I felt from a very young age was revealed and consolidated: Being able to listen to the power of the heart in order to awaken the Divine Feminine power (Kundalini) to realise the Divine Masculine power (Spirit) in order to awaken and reveal the Sacredness in everyone, thus giving autonomy and harmony.
This is why I created InspireSelf.
You want to know more ?
So arm yourself with patience and happy reading ;-)
It all started during a conference with a CNRS researcher and other French and Belgian speakers who presented an eloquent speech on the harmfulness of EMF waves. It was in 2003 at the Universities of Health and Environment for the building of our Future in Saintes, Charentes Maritime.
Since then, my brain and my desire to find solutions made me sweep away everything I found in my path. Scientists, products, researchers, speakers. As a Reporter Journalist, I enjoyed myself but nothing seemed to support a 'real' speech with scientific evidence that could find its equivalent with the right energetic feeling that I was able to perceive.
Then I was told about a product and a phase-shift concept. Although the feeling was mixed, I decided to meet the inventor who invited me to film a "Thermal" test being conducted on many subjects in front of a bailiff. Other journalists and experts were present and although the tests seemed stunning in what the camera perceived, other people as well as myself remained cautious, even vigilant. Something was wrong but I didn't know what!
I decided to write about the tests that I had filmed and quickly found myself caught up in a somewhat 'mafia' gear of the electromagnetic pollution protection market. I was offered to work with certain people and distribute their products and I refused...
The friends who believed in my quest to find solutions and products regarding Emf radiations and had seen the thermal tests said did not understand my negative reaction and called on me to capitulate. But I am stubborn and trust the energy of life that knows better than me and manifests it as vibrational feeling. Though I refused to join the sale's team, an inner voice urged me to stay in contact with the inventor.
One day while I was deep in meditation, I heard this same voice say to me "The Solution has come for you, get ready to start a business and take on the creation of a product". Needless to say, I had no intention of creating anything because I didn't feel capable or legitimate of it, but moreover I didn't want to start my own company.
I was happy to go about my various occupations and trades.
Finally I was surprised when this inventor called me to say "If you don't want to distribute my products, then create your own brand and pay me royalties". Suddenly, everything was unblocked in me and I felt a deep joy as if everything made sense. I felt carried by invisible wings and all the doors opened. I worked directly with the factory in the Paris region, my friends and soul family in Portugal acted as guarantor and co-financiers and we put all our savings into starting this new project full of promise.
Very quickly I saw the links between the printed circuit and an electronic Self (induction coil) but in addition, as I wanted above all to contribute to bringing well-being and protection to others and that everything begins with oneself (Self), the word had become obvious.
Then came to me the idea of a Spiral. Not only did my quest for truth lead me to realise the power of Kundalini being a spiral, but I also noticed that any living process is animated by an invisible energy which manifests itself in the visible in the form of a Spiral or Vortex, water expressing itself in such a way. Sometimes levorotatory (counter-clockwise) but most of the time dextro-rotatory (clockwise), the phenomenon of the living sometimes shows this Spiral in a very creative way (ex. Cabbage Romanesco, Pine cone etc.).
Work and research continued and led me to take into account and understand the phenomena of Torsion fields, Scalar waves, intention, information, dynamisation and still and always more of the underlying importance of Sacredness!
Being attracted by Eastern cultures and philosophy from a very young age, I first of all naturally sought to get closer to this Spiral or Kundalini symbol * and to make a Logo of it. Finally, one day when I woke up, I realised that I had been dreaming about the Yin Yang all night, the first InspireSelf logo was born, which launched the first models.
Very quickly according to the often irrational reactions and testimonies that challenged my logic, I became aware of the "effects of resonance" and "harmonics" of information between the printed circuits, their materials, their dimensions and the waves. shapes of the visible graphics/logo. On the strength of what I discovered, I continued to experiment with other waves of forms, sacred geometry, labyrinths and Yantra type symbols having harmonising impacts on the living.
Always wanting to show integrity and transparency and not being satisfied with existing products either expensive or fraudulent or ineffective or even toxic, I looked for other more viable and reliable solutions whose effectiveness could also be demonstrated. scientifically but not only. Thanks to sensory tests and others not recognized by the scientific seraglio (geobiology, dowsing, kinesiology, biofeedback, scalar, etc.) and via various more scientific measuring devices (Mora, GDV, Biofeedback, Bio resonance, Scalar Wave, Microscope black background) we were able to show the impact on water, blood and living things in general.
After more than 6 years of discoveries, failures and prototypes, InspireSelf's OctAum range is finally seeing the light of day with its own technology, its own circuits and designs as well as the desire to be able to have everything manufactured and assembled in France. In 2019 just before the Corona Circus, the new products are launched and the success grows. accompanied by a new factory, the 3rd, in the Toulouse region. A "synchronic" meeting of the heart with engineers, designers of printed circuits and also dowsers and magnetizers made me discover a new universe: that of conscientious manufacturing in a family business whose factory offers very advanced technology in terms of flexible printed circuits design and "doming". We move forward together and the orders are launched. We will also make brands for different companies who can easily put their logos on our InspireSelf products.
The sky seemed clear when the pandemic that harmed many companies arrived, sparing neither InspireSelf nor its customers and distributors. Indeed, the closure of fairs and festivals and all other events put an end to the activities and InspireSelf almost went out of business.
But, thanks to a chance encounter with Benjamin François, a graphic artist, photographer, webmaster who works essentially on awakening and supporting everyone's "why", I was able to bounce back and develop the fields of application of my own "why": How to wake people up and Awaken the consciousness of the greatest number to Spirituality that lies deep within.
Thus everything suddenly made sens : My existential research and quest for the Divine since I was very young, visions and intuitions, ideas for inventions or innovations, meetings, practices, internships and training, studies and different practices and creations were put on my way to remind me of my very and only "soul wish":(R) Awaken the consciousness of as many people as possible to the dimension of the Self (Self ;-).
Benjamin, with a lot of patience, humour and rants, pushed me not just to focus on Inspire Self, which remains "one" of the means to manifest my "why", but to create the "Patrice Buyle”website in its own right with everything I can offer that responds to and feeds my why.
After having battled for fear of pride, spiritual ego, the judgment of others and after having faced my inner sabotaging numbers for fear of succeeding as well as failing... I ended up accepting and working in this direction.
This is why the new site is an integral part of the site So you can glean as you see fit my various activities and what I also offer, in terms of care, WebTV, dance therapy or of discovery podcast on my Spiritual Mother Shri Adi Shakti and many other topics.
Today, Benjamin has become a close friend, a collaborator and my partner. InspireSelf displays new colours, a new concept, our latest BCWM (Bio-compensating Wave Moderator) and picking up momentum; to everything that is put in place to satisfy a nascent community made up of partners who are awake or in the process of becoming one, there are new designs, various tests carried out in a scientific way and whose protocols show very beautiful things in terms of concerns the results and fields of application of our products.
The rest... you will live it with us ;-)
Patrice Buyle
CEO of Inspire Self and creator of the Bio Compensating Wave Moderator